In 2011, it is one of my resolutions to stay connected with family and friends and share important moments in our daily lives with each of you... hopefully this will give you a glimmer into our home, see our children grow, and be involved in our journey during the year.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Week in the Life - Monday

Yesterday was the start of the Week in the Life project by Ali Edwards. This is a project where you document a week in your life - all of the everyday moments. At first I was worried about doing the project during this week since I just got back in town from my trip to Chicago last week and Cory is leaving for Afghanistan, but then I thought what a great week to record. I am sure when the project is all done, the boys will love to look through the album and see pictures of Cory and our last few days together before he leaves for deployment.

The day started out really productive. I got up with Cory at 4 AM and started on things for work - I had a contract that needed to be reviewed and sent out before everyone got to the office. Cleaned up from dinner the night before, had a cup of coffee and just spent some time with Cory before he left for work... all before I even heard a peep from any of the little ones. It was really nice having a few hours to myself to get ready for the day.

Here are a few pictures from the day.

Once the boys were up, the quiet morning came to an end. Milly was off for the day and so I knew it would be a crazy day trying to keep up with the boys, design work and everything at Yates... little did I know how crazy it would be. After breakfast, Chase and Knox immediately wanted to play on the patio with their toys. I sat outside with them and checked email on the ipad. I think they enjoy just following each other and Chase loves how Knox follows him everywhere. It is almost a game of tag. Knox then decided to sit in one of the children's patio chairs and he was waving to me. He constantly gets out of the chair and then sits back down... its a never ending cycle. For some reason he lost his balance getting out of the chair and he fell down. Poor little guy had a huge bump on his forehead and a scuffed nose. I felt so bad for him. I hate it when he gets hurt because he can't really communicate to you other than crying. So I held him for a while with ice until he felt better.

Riley was so excited to play on the Nintendo DS for an hour. We have really been limiting this toy this summer and trying to play outside more. Wills colored for a while and Chase watched Mickey Mouse. For lunch we kept it simple with a frozen pizza. Cory came home for the day after lunch. We needed to finish up the yard work from the weekend so while Cory mowed the backyard, I took the boys to the pool. They love it! Chase has finally learned how to keep his feet underneath his body and dog paddle around the pool. I think he enjoys the freedom of not having to sit on the steps anymore. Knox on the other hand was just content walking around the pool with a pair of goggles.

I noticed Chase wasn't acting normal, so I pulled him out of the pool (thank goodness for the handles on the back of the life jackets) and he started to have a seizure. At first I thought it was going to be ok, just like the previous ones we have been having, but this one lasted more than 5 minutes. After about three minutes I called 911 and the ambulance came and took him to the hospital. So Chase and I spent the rest of the day in the emergency room. He was fine after a few hours. It just took him a little longer to recover this time since the seizure was longer.

Cory and the boys picked us up around 6 and we picked up KFC on the way home. After dinner the boys went to bed. It was definitely a long day. I was ready to get into PJ's and crawl into bed.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for showing us your happy face Corky, it's always nice to see it!
